Monday, October 15, 2007


Last year's ACTEM conference really whet my appetite for stepping outside my comfort zone in technology, and this year's did the same. There were so many choices of sessions, and it sounded from conversations with other team members that we covered a lot of ground between us all. We had some opportunities after the sessions to share information we'd picked up at our sessions, but I'm anxious to hear more about what others went to.

Near the end of the day, I stopped at the SMART Technologies booth. They were just picking up, so I didn't get to see the boards in action, but I told them I was really interested in learning more about SMARTboards, and the rep offered to come to the district and give a demo. This may be something we want to do at a future tech team meeting?

1 comment:

Scott said...

This is great! What are some of the things that you learned? What are some things that you want to know more about? I do think that between all 12 of us we had some great coverage, I was disappointed not to be able to talk to you guys today. I have posted you Blog on my blog